
Rachel (The Loo Lady)

The woman who didn't want to pay to pee! Rachel founded loo tours after she developed an obsession with finding free toilets in London, and continues to take delight in sharing her knowledge and enthusiasm. She also Morris Dances... because if you work in toilets you have to have a "normal people hobby" as well.

Favourite Loo: The one that's where I need it, when I need it!


Charo is literally writing a dissertation on the history of public loos... Talk about being passionate about potties! It was the messages (at times vulgar, at times borderline poetic) left on pub toilet doors that first drew her into the weird and wonderful world of London loo history. 

A historian of pubs and public toilets, she's currently doing her master's in public history at UCL after an undergraduate in history at the University of Cambridge. Charo has several years of guiding experience, mainly with pub and food tours. She speaks fluent Dutch and Spanish. 

Favourite loo: If a PUBlic toilet counts, it has to be the Waterworks micropub in Rye, Sussex. It's certainly the most atmospheric loo I've ever been to, complete with beers such as 'Golden Flush' and the 'Pissoir Porter.' 

Charo does tours as well as talks about her research on pubs and public toilets. You can contact her at or find her on Instagram: @public_historian


Jeremy John has guided over 50 thousand visitors across London since his first tour in 2017. He gives a range of tours, from classic sites to hidden gems, and delights in making history come alive to all ages. He is the founder of London Heritage Walks and also hosts a podcast about tour guiding called Street Historians.

Jeremy first became interested in old lavatories after coming on this very London Loo Tour five years ago! Since then, he has taken both locals and overseas tourists to explore the surviving old bathrooms that are an essential part of London’s heritage.

Favourite Loo: In an old Victorian pub called Princess Louise, it’s fairly central but slightly off the tourist trail. The building is such a time warp, it has legal protection for the originality of its fittings (‘Grade II Listed’), and this extends to the lavatories downstairs. Thankfully, while these are indeed the original facilities, they have been retrofitted with modern flushing!

Jeremy John is the founder of London Heritage Walks:


Amber cut her tour guiding teeth on a double-decker bus in 2002 and has been a professional guide/master of disguise since 2009. She holds an official badge to be a guide in The City of London, Westminster and Camden. She runs her own guiding under the title "American Tour Guide in London" and is always looking for ways to turn a costume opportunity into a walk around London. Her passion is bringing history to life so that all ages can enjoy and learn.

Favourite Loo: any clean loo - "If not, I'm armed with my She Wee!"

FInd Amber's other fabulous tours at:


When not gallivanting around London with a plunger, Katie can be found gallivanting around the various theatres and stages of England trying her hand at the life of a professional actor. When forced into doing a "proper" job she may be spotted putting her history degree to good use as a tour guide in various locations around the country.

Favourite Loo: The Jubiloo, of course! How can anyone fail to be won over by its patriotic charm?!

Favourite Loo Fact: Well that would be giving away some of the secrets of the tour... but here's a hint - it's to do with what happens to all the posh poo from London's Savoy Hotel!